EPSL changes nomeclature

An emergent meeting of the Central Committee of the East Pakistan Students League held at Sgt. Zahurul Haq Hall (Iqbal Hall) canteen on tuesday decided ot drop "East Pakistan" from the name of the organisation.

The organisation till the next council meeting will be known as students league. The meeting also endorsed the decision of the Swahin Bangla Desh Chattra Sangram Parishad of March 2.

The meeting called upon Mujib to form a national government for Bangladesh. The meeting also empowered the Swadhin Bangladesh Chattra Sangram Parishad "to carry on with the movement of Swadhin Bangla Desh" The Swadhin Bangla Desh Chattra Sangram Parishad Comprises messrs Nure Alam Siddiky, Shahjahan Siraj, A.S.M. Abdur Rab and Abdul Kuddus Makhan.